Tag Archives: free english instruction

How Many Chaplains?

Our friend, the English teacher in Iran, asked another good question. Unlike his questions about the singular or plural use of “any,” this one has a straightforward answer. (Fortunately!) Here’s his question.

The Question

I have just bought a novel, Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels. 

There is a page about Jonathan Swift’s life. There, I found a sentence which I cannot analyze grammatically, no matter how much I am scratching my head to come up with an answer. The sentence is: 

“At the age of thirty-one, Swift returned to Ireland as chaplain to a lord justice.” 

To me, this sentence is 100% wrong grammatically. It should be: 

“At the age of thirty-one, Swift returned to Ireland as A chaplain to a lord justice.” 

Here is my reason: “chaplain” cannot be used without an “A” in front of it because it is in singular and an “A” is needed in front of it.

What do you think? Do you agree with me?  Continue reading


Filed under Writing

Why We Give Away Free Stuff

People who communicate well can achieve their goals. Good communication leads to success and strong relationships. On the other hand, poor communication can create hostility or, even worse, indifference. In business, in school, and in many other arenas, good communication depends on the ability to write well.

Our business at Precise Edit is helping people communicate well in writing. We help people write what they mean clearly and in a manner that provokes a desired response. This is more than our job—it’s what we believe in.

In addition to the services we provide and books we sell, we give away a lot of free writing help, free writing resources, and free writing guides. This blog is only one outlet for the free writing instruction we provide.


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